Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Day at the Beach! [Photodump]

Yesterday Aunt Karen & Uncle Bill and Jamie and I and Lydia, Lucy and Lulubelle all piled in the car and went to the beach! Lydia and Lulu were thrilled. Lucy, not so much. We had to keep coaxing her to just keep walking by the end of our beach excursion, haha! Lucy likes warmth and dry feet more than the fun beach.

Left to right: Lulu, Lucy, Lydia
Lulu was SO excited.


Pawprints in the Sand. Or something.
Uncle Bill, Aunt Karen & their babies!

Cold beaches = our favorite place

The beach was really misty and wet when we arrived, so we ate our picnic in the car, and by the time we finished it was loads better! The sun even peeked through once or twice. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful beach! We got a little tour around the Sausalito area afterwards, which was lots of fun. I love going for drives (good thing I'm on a road trip, eh), especially when looking at outrageous houses is part of the deal.

For our last night in Novato, Bill & Karen took us out to dinner and a movie! We ate some delicious Mexican food and drank margaritas before catching a late show of "Argo," which I recommend seeing if you feel like a good action movie. I think I held my breath through like half the movie. It was really good! All I could think of during the set up was the story my dad told me about how when he and his brothers were kids, they would play a twisted version of "Steal the Bacon" with their cat, and whenever they recaptured the cat from the opposing team they would all yell "Ayatollah Ayatollah Ayatollah!" and run away with the poor animal held above their heads. Which I think is a hilarious story. Strange, the things kids pick up from the adult world. XD

We had a good run this morning and in a few minutes we are heading south to meet up with Jamie's family for the 40-day memorial service for his Grandpa. Expect a few pictures of unshaven Greek men in the next couple of days! ;) Then it's off to Redding for the next leg of our trip! Onward and upward!


  1. Ha Ha, I had forgotten about the AYATOLLAH story! I want to see ARGO too- but now that our built in babysitters (ie you and Ryan) no longer live in town, Dad and I hae no life. Alas.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Novato with Bill and Karen. They treated you well...lots of fine dining in the bay area, that's for sure! Your hair does look cute now (like you cut it short on purpose)- how do you like it that length? Jamie looks increasing like something out of 10,000BC.

    Love you guys! Excited to see you both tomorrow for dinner, and to give you piles of mail.

    1. You must remedy that situation. You would love Argo. =)

      I like it a lot! I'm debating keeping it this length for a while (maybe trimming the back a little) but I think I'll be shaving it again for that costume I was telling you about. ;) Every time I see pictures of Jamie I am shocked at how GIANT his beard is, haha. For some reason it looks bigger in the camera. XD

      Yay! Can't wait to see you & get our mail!!
