

Born March 24, 1987. Mathematician. Enjoys music, film, pinball, and puns.


Born April 6, 1991. Skills include arts & crafts, cat whispering, and a keen attention to any and all David Bowie trivia. Author of the blog.

What is Vaga-Bonding?

Vagabonding (verb; ˈva-gə-ˌbändiŋ): Moving from place to place for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives in order to get to know them better and see different parts of the world.

The short tale: Jamie & I were in between "life-plans" and found ourselves with a year to spare, so we decided to do something fun with it. Luckily we have a lot of cool family members and some cool friends too, so the plan is to spend this year travelling to visit a few of those cool people, with a little bit of CouchSurfing thrown in for good measure.

Written August 25, 2012