Thursday, September 20, 2012

My First 5K and the Great Schlep Part Deux!

So, I ran 3.1 miles last night without stopping to walk. WOO! And I did it in 36 minutes and 56 seconds. See? I'm number 18 out of 22... which means I wasn't last, which is another victory, haha. I'm done running 3.1 miles at a time... gonna stick to 2.5 then maybe move up again, because I thought I was going to die, and I was starting to think the race coordinators were playing a sick, sick joke when that damned finish line just would NOT show up on the horizon. Needless to say, I have some work to do. =P

In {Vaga}Bonding News, we have begun the serious work of schlepping our stuff. I spent the morning unpacking what we had stored in my parent's basement to make room for the stuff I actually want to keep (books mostly, some wedding stuff, and lots of letters & memorabilia from childhood and dating years), then Jamie & I spent a few hours gutting our bookshelves and some dark corners of the closet for things to stash away and things to sell off.

Here is what we're keeping (you can tell which ones I had qualms about keeping by the comments in parentheses):

  • a suitcase each of clothing (we are packing shoes, coats and toiletries in a separate bag)
  • DVDs, books, music (collector LPs, some CDs)
  • my sewing machine
  • my scrapbooking stuff (that stuff is expensive and I use it all the time, I'm not replacing it)
  • our computers (because we need that much computing power to watch netflix and surf the web)
  • some things from the wedding/memorabilia/scrapbooks/letters
  • Christmas/holiday decorations (Those ornaments have a lot of meaning to me... yes, even the dinosaur ones we got on a whim two years ago)
  • my rat cage (it's a beaut, and I want it full of fuzzy ratties again next year!!)
  • a box of art stuff
  • a bag of math stuff
  • a laptop/drawing tablet
  • an Asus tablet
  • some camping stuff
  • a car
Everything else must go!! It's a little nerve-wracking (I'm not looking forward to re-collecting my spices and wine gadgets) and sometimes like tearing off an enormous band-aid (no, not my David Bowie wall clock!! It is precious to me!) but I think it will be a relief once we have it all GONE.

I can't believe we will be outta here in like a week and a half! Not even! =D CRAZY! I'm super excited... also anxious that our pile of things to take care of is not ever going to get taken care of, but all we can do is try.

This weekend we are having a big sale to get rid of our extra stuff! We will be donating the proceeds. I'm also selling off a bunch of art, but we're keeping those proceeds. And we always accept donations in the form of gas cards, meals at restaurants, and other fun things that cost money. ;)

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