Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Special Report: Sunny Isn't Evil {for my Dad}

Hey Dad, I'm starting to think that you started an anti-Sunny conspiracy all those years ago when she first came to visit with the Chula Vista Montoyas. I too was duped when you carefully planted distrust for this sweet, gentle Labrador in all of our minds... Yes, she begs for scraps at the table, and yes, she can be rather intimidating when she thinks her family is being threatened, but she's really a loving Lab like any other!

How could you not want to pat that adorable doggie head?

Give Sunny another chance, Dad. Her bark really is worse than her bite. ;)


  1. Glad that Sunny now knows who her REAL friends are:) BTW your hair is lookin' super cute...is that a side part going on maybe (or side comb over?)

    1. It's kind of a combover because the hair is still too short to part, but at least there's a style now other than "I got gum/dreadlocks in my hair and had to shave it all off" haha.

  2. Ok. I have to defend myself now.
    [Note: remember, I already have dog issues because I was chased a few times, bitten twice and when I was like 7 I witnessed my friend getting his leg torn open by our stupid family dog after my mom promised my friend he was safe]
    1. Sunny has definitely mellowed over the years. On my first visit years ago, she barked at me and tried to chew my wrists off. In subsequent visits, that got "better."
    2. Sunny is nicer to big people. In her wrist chewing years, she often seemed to be right on the edge of biting the face off litte kids. Would she ever do it? Probably not, but having owners say, "oh, she won't hurt that little kid" when she is growling and nipping... Do I trust the judgement of my wonderful brother and my sister-in-law? Well, I refer you back to my childhood trauma with my friend. Who can you trust more than your MOM? Add to that the fact that people told me my whole life that "dogs smell fear" and its a catch-22: "Maybe Sunny IS a nice dog, but I am afraid of dogs; oh no, Sunny the normally nice dog is smelling my fear and becoming Sunny the mean dog; oh, no - that makes me more afraid and my 'fear stench' is getting worse and Sunny is getting angrier... ahhhhh... I am going to die and Sunny is going to kill me!" Meanwhile, Sunny is sitting and staring at me as in your pictures all sweet and nice.
    So, now that I have successfully proven that I have more issues than Sunny, leave me alone! (Do I have to pay someone for this counselling session?)

    1. She still chews on wrists, but that means she likes you. XD And yes, you've made it quite clear that you have way more issues than Sunny, hahaha!!
